melepas rindu in english

melepas rindu in english

Melepas rindu in English with contextual examples - MyMemory Contextual translation of "melepas rindu" into English yields various results. Examples include "trust," "missing you," "we miss you," "release longing," and "I miss your kiss." Indonesian phrases such as "bila rindu" ("when I miss you") and "saya rindukan seseorang tetapi saya tidak dapat melepaskannya" ("I miss someone but I cannot let go") describe the feeling of longing and missing someone. People who are far away from home for work or education often use expressions such as "to feel homesick" to describe the overwhelming feeling of missing home. Quotes that express missing someone and the difficulty of holding back the feeling of longing can help heal the emotions. Some ways of coping with missing someone include expressing the feeling in words or releasing all the pent-up longing.